This strategic European Union funded Eramus plus partnership project is created by consortium of three project partners: V.I.A.C. – Institute for youth support and development from Slovakia, Cyrilometodejske gymnazium, zakladni skola a materska skola v Prostejove from the Czech Republic and Finpeda from Finland. The main objective of the project is to implement online virtual tools to reinforce the ability of schools to provide high quality inclusive digital education.     

Participating countries


List of schools that are participating in the project.


List of schools that are participating in the project.


List of schools thart are participating in the project.

Finland Schools

FVS Academy space

FVS space for classroom use

School name

School name

Czech Schools

Cyrilometodejske gymnasium space for classroom use

School name

School name

School name

Slovakia Schools

OZVIAC space for classroom use

School name

School name

School name

Finpeda Virtual Space (FVS) logo
We welcome the schools from Finland, Slovakia, and Czech Republic to be part of this Future learning journey to move towards 21st-century learning.

The schools who will join this mission will have a chance to receive the below deliverable:

1. The selected teachers get trained on the Metaverse learning environment and how to utilize it in the classroom situations.

2. The teachers can participate in the “Digital Pedagogy course" to understand the nuances of using diverse digital tools and integrating with a wide range of pedagogical methods.

3. The partner schools will be guided to create an exclusive learning environment that will be co-created by your students and teachers.

4. The partner schools will receive a dedicated Metataverse learning platform (co-created by your students and teachers) that can be used by the schools to conduct online teaching.

Project backround

This strategic European Union funded Erasmus plus partnership "FUTURE ONLINE" project is created by a consortium of 3 project partners: V.I.A.C. – Institute for youth support and development from Slovakia, Cyrilometodejske gymnazium, zakladni skola a materska skola v Prostejove from the Czech Republic; and Finpeda from Finland. The main objective of the project is to implement online virtual tools to reinforce the ability of schools to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education. Furthermore, through this project, the following objectives will be achieved.

• To bring innovative tools based on virtual reality to support teachers in using digital technologies for online learning.

• To develop digital competencies for the 21st century within the target group of students and teachers.

• To assist teachers in changing their mindset when preparing for online classes.

• To support the motivation of students to participate in distance learning and raise the impact of this form of learning on them.

• To support an inclusive approach for students who have special needs, to support the mental health of students to help them overcome personal difficulties that have a negative impact on their school performance.

• To strengthen the cross-sectoral cooperation of schools, digital technology providers, and non-governmental organizations to find long-term solutions that help schools in participating countries provide high quality online education in the long term.

To fulfil the above objectives, this project will develop a unique online tool that will be used for teachers as well as students. This solution will be a browser-based 3D virtual Metaverse learning environment targeted at tackling the challenge of developing digital skills among children, teachers, and other types of learners.

Do you want your school to be part of the “FUTURE LEARNING” revolution? Fill in the below form to submit your interest

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